Hymba: A Hybrid-head Architecture for Small Language Models
Xin Dong, Yonggan Fu, Shizhe Diao, Wonmin Byeon, Zijia Chen, Ameya Sunil Mahabaleshwarkar, Shih-Yang Liu, Matthijs Van Keirsbilck, Min-Hung Chen, Yoshi Suhara, Yingyan Lin, Jan Kautz, Pavlo Molchanov | arXiv
[arxiv] [code] [HF models] [blog]
We propose Hymba, a family of small language models featuring a hybrid-head parallel architecture that integrates transformer attention mechanisms with state space models (SSMs) for enhanced efficiency. Attention heads provide high-resolution recall, while SSM heads enable efficient context summarization. Additionally, we introduce learnable meta tokens that are prepended to prompts, storing critical information and alleviating the “forced-to-attend” burden associated with attention mechanisms. This model is further optimized by incorporating cross-layer key-value (KV) sharing and partial sliding window attention, resulting in a compact cache size. During development, we conducted a controlled study comparing various architectures under identical settings and observed significant advantages of our proposed architecture. Notably, Hymba achieves state-of-the-art results for small LMs: Our Hymba-1.5B-Base model surpasses all sub-2B public models in performance and even outperforms Llama-3.2-3B with 1.32% higher average accuracy, an 11.67x cache size reduction, and 3.49x throughput.
title={Hymba: A Hybrid-head Architecture for Small Language Models},
author={Xin Dong and Yonggan Fu and Shizhe Diao and Wonmin Byeon and Zijia Chen and Ameya Sunil Mahabaleshwarkar and Shih-Yang Liu and Matthijs Van Keirsbilck and Min-Hung Chen and Yoshi Suhara and Yingyan Lin and Jan Kautz and Pavlo Molchanov},